“Mentor:  Learning from someone who wants you to grow.”



Mentoring:  Support, encouragement, and guidance for people to manage life and career learning in order that they may maximize their potential, develop skills, improve performance and become the person they want to be.


Accelerate global development by evaluating and matching global citizens for mutual benefit, and by solving problems together which hold them back from achieving their stated life and career dreams.

How GPSx Mentoring works: 

Engage:  Clients face challenges with confidence, using our GPSx mentoring platform, tools, and support so that they can discover and clearly communicate a global life and career visions.

Connect:  We evaluate, then carefully match mentors with mentees. Then our proven process guides them through new experiences shared together to build trust.

Empower:  Matched mentoring pairs are stretched outside of their comfort zone with new experiences – into the learning zone – following Kolb’s 4-stage experiential learning cycle.

Solve:  Following our proven, systematic problem-solving process, clients learn to identify and remove obstacles holding them back from achieving their dreams.

Develop the whole person:

First, build a strong foundation by strengthening 3 global skills which are often forgotten about:

             Vision  |  Confidence  |  Balance

Next, develop more advanced global social skills which lead to career success:

            Connections  |  Experience  |  Leadership

A valuable and unforgettable experience:

Discover your Vision

Our professional guides lead clients through a process to discover and clarify their passion, and to follow their dreams.

Identify Opportunities

With the help of our process, tools, and your partner, you will identify new opportunities for progress towards your vision.

Make Connections

Throughout the journey, clients are supported to reach out to make new, meaningful connections who can open doors and their minds.

Have Fun

Our process is fun and focused on experiential learning, together.  Although the tools are helpful, the journey is truly unforgettable.

How do participants benefit?


Have fun and develop your network

Build your resume with experiences

Learn new life & career skills


Improve cultural / generational agility

Gain leadership experience

Share your experience, help others


Engage your team with development

Develop new talent pipelines

Make positive brand impressions

GPSx Journey for accelerated global development

Our Proven Process for evaluating, matching, and guiding our client’s journey:

Tell us what you want from your global journey

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